Seminar Series
Weekly Research Group Seminars: Each of the research groups at the institute organizes a weekly seminar, where senior and young researchers, postdocs, and visitors present the latest in their work. Hence, seminars cover many topics within the area of focus of the group, encouraging discussion and collaboration.
Graduate Student Seminars: Such colloquia help graduate students in pursuit of their research work. The seminars offer a platform where students can present their work, obtain feedback, and engage with the greater research community at the institute.
Undergraduate Research Seminars: This is aimed at encouraging and motivating undergraduate students to study mathematics at a graduate level. Seminars introduce these students to the world of mathematical research and go on to illustrate the potential and impact that mathematics carries in their lives, thus enabling them to appreciate the many possibilities inherent in the subject.
Conferences and Workshops
Conferences: These larger events feature presentations by leading international researchers, supplemented by those from members of the institute. The conferences provide an opportunity to discuss recent advances in mathematics, exchange views, and link with overseas researchers. The institute also subsidizes important speakers through travel, accommodation, and allowance.
Workshops: Unlike conferences, they are small and more focused; they bring together 5-10 selected researchers to go in-depth into a certain mathematical area. The typical duration of 2-3 days allows participants not only to collaborate intensively but also to conduct hands-on research to come out with certain solutions.
Summer Schools: The Institute conducts intensive summer schools in selected frontline areas of mathematics. Participants in these programs include Ph.D. students and junior researchers. Most of these programs focus on a specific area in mathematics, many times on newly published books. Presentation and discussion of the chapters allow active interaction among the participants.
Research Semesters
The Institute conducts thematic research semesters - focused periods of research on a particular topic. Such semesters normally bring together 5-7 long-term visitors who will be working intensively on the selected theme. Researchers may apply for participation in such. Selection is conducted via competitive procedures. This gives a unique opportunity to deeply focus on something, collaborate, and make significant progress in the solving of important questions.
Summer Research Groups
The institute also sponsors summer research groups during the summer in which researchers jointly work on some area of mathematics. The groups are supported with office space and a monthly stipend for the duration of the project, usually 2-3 months. The summer research groups offer the ideal ambiance for focused, collaborative work, thus giving participants an opportunity to explore new ideas and accomplish meaningful work in their research.