My research interests include representation theory of finite groups, Mackey functors, (fibered) biset functors, category algebras, Green biset functors, block theory, fusion systems, homological algebra. Previously I was a faculty member at Boğaziçi University, Department of Mathematics.
Administrative Positions
Baku Institute of Mathematical Sciences - DRL-TIIMM, Baku State University - Head (2024 - today)
Department of Mathematics, Boğaziçi University - Chair (July 15, 2022 - July 15, 2024)
TMD - Turkish Mathematical Society - Vice-president (2021 - 2024)
Matematik Dünyası - Popular math magazine of TMD - Editor-in-chief (2021 - 2024)
IMBM - Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences - Codirector (2019 - 2022)
Feza Gürsey Center for Mathematics and Physics - Vice chair (2015 - 2018)
TGC (Turkish Journalists Association) - 47th Sedat Simavi Science Tribute Award - 2023.
TÜBİTAK 2219 - Research Fellowship for Abroad Study, March 2019 -- August 2019
Fulbright Foundation - Academic Research Fellowship, August 2018 -- March 2019
Bilim Akademisi (Science Academy of Turkey) - Young Scientist Award Program (BAGEP), 2017
Türk Matematik Vakfı (Turkish Mathematical Foundation) - Masatoshi Gündüz İkeda Research Award, 2014
Bilkent University Department of Mathematics - Alişbah Fellowship, 2005
Research Projects with funds
TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1001-119F422) - (2020 - 2023) - Principal Researcher - Ruslan Muslumov (Ph.D.), Doğa Ulaş Budak (M.S.), Mustafa Akdağ (M.S.), İbrahim Aslan (M.S.), Mehmet Arslan (Post-doc) and Cihan Bahran (Post-doc) were/are fully supported.
TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1002-117F291) - (2018 - 2019) -Principal Researcher
Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 11144 - (2015 - 2017), Principal Researcher
TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1001-115F156)} - (2015 - 2018), Researcher
TÜBİTAK Research Grant -(1001-113F240) - (2014 - 2017) - Principal Researcher - Mehmet Arslan (Ph.D.), Deniz Yılmaz (M.S.), Irmak Balçık (M.S.), Ruslan Muslumov(M.S.) were fully supported.
Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 7623 - (2013 - 2015) - Principal Researcher
TÜBİTAK Career Research Grant - (1001-109T661) - (2010 - 2013) - Principal Researcher - Zehra Bilgin (M.S.) was fully supported.
Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 6029 - (2011 - 2013) - Researcher
Representation Theory:
Simple functors over the Green biset functor of section Burnside rings, (with Ruslan Muslumov)
Communications in Algebra 52 2 (2024), 1-27.
The fibered Burnside group of a fusion system, (with Mert Seviniş)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 31 (2021), 453-470.
The functor of complex characters of finite groups, (with Mehmet Arslan)
Journal of Algebra 562 (2020), 115-147.
Obstructions for gluing biset functors, (with Ergün Yalçın),
Journal of Algebra 532 (2019), 268-310.
Fibered $p$-biset functor structure of fibered Burnside rings, (with Deniz Yılmaz),
Algebras and Representation Theory 22 (2019), 21-41.
Fibered biset functors, (with Robert Boltje),
Advances in Mathematics 339 (2018), 540-598.
The Dade group of Mackey functors for p-groups,
Journal of Algebra 470 (2017), 172-196.
Inducing native Mackey functors to biset functors,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (2015), 2359-2380.
Gluing Borel-Smith functions and the group of endo-trivial modules,
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 43 (2011), 912-926.
Projective resolutions of globally defined Mackey functors in characteristic zero,(with Semra Pamuk),
Archiv der Mathematik 96 (2011), 39-48.
Ring of subquotients of a finite group II: Pure bisets,
Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), 706-731.
Ring of Subquotients of a finite group I: Linearization,
Journal of Algebra 322 (2009), 2773 - 2792.
A Tate cohomology sequence for generalized Burnside rings, (with Ergün Yalçın),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), 1306 - 1315.
Alcahestic subalgebras of the alchemic algebra and a correspondence of simple modules,
Journal of Algebra 320 (2008), 2422 - 2450. Corrections to this paper.
Mackey functors, induction from restriction functors and coinduction from transfer functors,
Journal of Algebra 315 (2007), 224 - 248.
Algebraic Combinatorics:
Tower diagrams and Pieri's Rule, (with Müge Taşkın),
Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018), 3089-3105.
Sorting and generating reduced words, (with Müge Taşkın),
Archiv der Mathematik 101 (2013), 427-436.
Tower tableaux and Schubert polynomials, (with Müge Taşkın),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 120 (2013), 1976-1995.
Tower Tableaux, (with Müge Taşkın),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 120 (2013), 843-871.
Mustafa Akdağ, PhD candidate
İbrahim Kaan Arslan, MS (2024)
Mustafa Akdağ, MS (2023)
Ruslan Muslumov, PhD (2022)
Said Yılmaz, MS (2022)
Doğa Ulaş Budak, MS (2021)
Mert Sevinis, PhD (2019)
Ebru Beyza Küçük, MS (2019)
Ayçin İplikçi, MS (2019)
Mehmet Arslan, PhD (2018)
Turan Karakurt, MS (2018)
Gözde Sert, MS (2018)
Mustafa Türköz (co-advisor with T. Turgut), MS (2017)
Ruslan Muslumov, MS (2017)
Irmak Balçık, MS (2016)
Deniz Yılmaz, MS (2015)
Zehra Bilgin (co-advisor with A. Boysal), MS (2012)
Post-doc advising
Cihan Bahran (2022-2023)
Mehmet Arslan (2020-2021)
Popular Articles (in Turkish)
Kategoriler teorisi, Matematik Dünyası, (2024), 50 pages.
$timescirctimescirc$, Matematik Dünyası, to appear (2024), 10 pages.
Sonlu Group Temsilleri, Matematik Dünyası, 117 (2023), 17-66.
8. Mertebeden Gruplar, Matematik Dünyası, 116 (2023), 89 - 89.
Permütasyonları Sıralamak!, Matematik Dünyası, 114 (2022) 83 - 86.
Başarının iki yüzü, IMBM anısına, Matematik Dünyası, 113 (2022) 14 - 15.
Galois grupları, Matematik Dünyası, 112 (2022) 17 - 24.
Rubik küp grubu, Matematik Dünyası, 112 (2022) 50 - 59.
Asal Portreler, Matematik Dünyası, 111 (2021) 10 - 13.
Unutulmuş bir problem: Feit-Thompson sanısı, Matematik Dünyası, 111 (2021) 76 - 78