Olcay Coskun
Director of BIMS, Algebra Research Group - Senior Researcher

My research interests include representation theory of finite groups, Mackey functors, (fibered) biset functors, category algebras, Green biset functors, block theory, fusion systems, homological algebra. Previously I was a faculty member at Boğaziçi University, Department of Mathematics.


Administrative Positions

Baku Institute of Mathematical Sciences - DRL-TIIMM, Baku State University  - Head (2024 - today)

Department of Mathematics, Boğaziçi University - Chair (July 15, 2022 - July 15, 2024)

TMD - Turkish Mathematical Society - Vice-president (2021 - 2024)

Matematik Dünyası - Popular math magazine of TMD - Editor-in-chief (2021 - 2024)

IMBM - Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences - Codirector (2019 - 2022)

Feza Gürsey Center for Mathematics and Physics - Vice chair (2015 - 2018) 


TGC (Turkish Journalists Association) - 47th Sedat Simavi Science Tribute Award - 2023.

TÜBİTAK 2219 - Research Fellowship for Abroad Study, March 2019 -- August 2019

Fulbright Foundation - Academic Research Fellowship, August 2018 -- March 2019

Bilim Akademisi (Science Academy of Turkey) - Young Scientist Award Program (BAGEP), 2017

Türk Matematik Vakfı (Turkish Mathematical Foundation) - Masatoshi Gündüz İkeda Research Award, 2014

Bilkent University Department of Mathematics - Alişbah Fellowship, 2005


Research Projects with funds

TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1001-119F422) - (2020 - 2023) - Principal Researcher - Ruslan Muslumov (Ph.D.), Doğa Ulaş Budak (M.S.), Mustafa Akdağ (M.S.), İbrahim Aslan (M.S.), Mehmet Arslan (Post-doc) and Cihan Bahran (Post-doc) were/are fully supported.

TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1002-117F291) - (2018 - 2019) -Principal Researcher

Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 11144 - (2015 - 2017), Principal Researcher

TÜBİTAK Research Grant - (1001-115F156)} - (2015 - 2018), Researcher

TÜBİTAK Research Grant -(1001-113F240) - (2014 - 2017) - Principal Researcher - Mehmet Arslan (Ph.D.), Deniz Yılmaz (M.S.), Irmak Balçık (M.S.), Ruslan Muslumov(M.S.) were fully supported.

Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 7623 - (2013 - 2015) - Principal Researcher

TÜBİTAK Career Research Grant - (1001-109T661) - (2010 - 2013) - Principal Researcher - Zehra Bilgin (M.S.) was fully supported. 

Boğaziçi University Research Grant - 6029 - (2011 - 2013) - Researcher



Representation Theory:

Simple functors over the Green biset functor of section Burnside rings, (with Ruslan Muslumov)
Communications in Algebra 52 2 (2024), 1-27. 

The fibered Burnside group of a fusion system, (with Mert Seviniş)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 31 (2021), 453-470. 

The functor of complex characters of finite groups, (with Mehmet Arslan)
Journal of Algebra 562 (2020), 115-147. 

Obstructions for gluing biset functors, (with Ergün Yalçın),
Journal of Algebra 532 (2019), 268-310.

Fibered $p$-biset functor structure of fibered Burnside rings, (with Deniz Yılmaz),
Algebras and Representation Theory 22 (2019), 21-41.

Fibered biset functors, (with Robert Boltje),
Advances in Mathematics 339 (2018), 540-598. 

The Dade group of Mackey functors for p-groups,
Journal of Algebra 470 (2017), 172-196.

Inducing native Mackey functors to biset functors,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (2015), 2359-2380.

Gluing Borel-Smith functions and the group of endo-trivial modules,
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 43 (2011), 912-926.

Projective resolutions of globally defined Mackey functors in characteristic zero,(with Semra Pamuk),
Archiv der Mathematik 96 (2011), 39-48.

Ring of subquotients of a finite group II: Pure bisets,
Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), 706-731.

Ring of Subquotients of a finite group I: Linearization,
Journal of Algebra 322 (2009), 2773 - 2792.

A Tate cohomology sequence for generalized Burnside rings, (with Ergün Yalçın),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), 1306 - 1315.

Alcahestic subalgebras of the alchemic algebra and a correspondence of simple modules,
Journal of Algebra 320 (2008), 2422 - 2450. Corrections to this paper.

Mackey functors, induction from restriction functors and coinduction from transfer functors,
Journal of Algebra 315 (2007), 224 - 248.

Algebraic Combinatorics:

Tower diagrams and Pieri's Rule, (with Müge Taşkın),
Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018), 3089-3105.

Sorting and generating reduced words, (with Müge Taşkın),
Archiv der Mathematik 101 (2013), 427-436. 

Tower tableaux and Schubert polynomials, (with Müge Taşkın),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 120 (2013), 1976-1995. 

Tower Tableaux, (with Müge Taşkın),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 120 (2013), 843-871.




Mustafa Akdağ, PhD candidate


  • İbrahim Kaan Arslan, MS (2024)

  • Mustafa Akdağ, MS (2023) 

  • Ruslan Muslumov, PhD (2022)

  • Said Yılmaz, MS (2022)

  • Doğa Ulaş Budak, MS (2021)

  • Mert Sevinis, PhD (2019)

  • Ebru Beyza Küçük, MS (2019)

  • Ayçin İplikçi, MS (2019)

  • Mehmet Arslan, PhD (2018)

  • Turan Karakurt, MS (2018)

  • Gözde Sert, MS (2018)

  • Mustafa Türköz (co-advisor with T. Turgut), MS (2017)

  • Ruslan Muslumov, MS (2017)

  • Irmak Balçık, MS (2016)

  • Deniz Yılmaz, MS (2015)

  • Zehra Bilgin (co-advisor with A. Boysal), MS (2012)


Post-doc advising

  • Cihan Bahran (2022-2023)

  • Mehmet Arslan (2020-2021)


Popular Articles (in Turkish)

  1. Kategoriler teorisi, Matematik Dünyası, (2024), 50 pages. 

  2. $timescirctimescirc$, Matematik Dünyası, to appear (2024), 10 pages.

  3. Sonlu Group Temsilleri, Matematik Dünyası, 117 (2023), 17-66.

  4. 8. Mertebeden Gruplar, Matematik Dünyası, 116 (2023), 89 - 89.

  5. Permütasyonları Sıralamak!, Matematik Dünyası, 114 (2022) 83 - 86.

  6. Başarının iki yüzü, IMBM anısına, Matematik Dünyası, 113 (2022) 14 - 15.

  7. Galois grupları, Matematik Dünyası, 112 (2022) 17 - 24.

  8. Rubik küp grubu, Matematik Dünyası, 112 (2022) 50 - 59.

  9. Asal Portreler, Matematik Dünyası, 111 (2021) 10 - 13.

  10. Unutulmuş bir problem: Feit-Thompson sanısı, Matematik Dünyası, 111 (2021) 76 - 78