Cəbr Seminarı : Obstructions for gluing biset functors I
18-10-2024 - 24-10-2024 24

Obstructions for gluing biset functors I

by Olcay Coskun, BIMS


This is the first of a series of seminars in which we develop an obstruction theory for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the gluing problem for a biset functor defined on the subquotients of a finite group $G$. The obstruction groups for this theory are the reduced cohomology groups of a category $D^*_G$ whose objects are the sections $(U, V)$  of $G$, where $V$ is a non-trivial normal subgorup of the subgroup $U$ of $G$, and whose morphisms are defined as a generalization of morphisms in the orbit category.

In this talk, we shall start introducing the basic setup for the upcoming talks.

Date: 24/10/2024 
Time: 10.00
Location: Digital Research Lab, Baku State University, Main Building, 3rd floor